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City Taxes

The City has sent out the 2024 property tax bills. This year we have sent the bills out to all homeowners even if you escrow. We also sent your tax bill to any mortgage company who have made a request for your tax bills. If you are uncertain if you escrow your tax bill with your mortgage company please contact them to verify. The City tax bill is a separate tax bill from the county tax bill that you will be receiving from Boone County or Kenton County.
Click on the following link to access 2024 tax information for the City of Walton Property taxes.
The City tax amount does not include a waste fee.
Click Here for Property Tax Information
To assist us with accounting we ask that you please make out a separate check from your water/sewer bill when paying your tax bill. We do not accept credit cards payments for taxes at this time.
If you have any questions regarding your tax bill please contact our office at (859)485-4383 during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.