We hope you like our New website and hope that you find it easier to find what you are looking for. If you have any questions please give us a call
The City of Walton requires a $150.00 deposit to start water and sewer services. We accept cash, check or money order for that deposit. Bills are mailed on the last business day of the month and are due upon receipt of bill. A 10% penalty is due after the 15th of the month. Service is subject to be disconnected after the 25th of the month if bill is not paid in full and a $30 reconnect fee will be applied. For your convenience we have a drive up drop box in the parking lot for payments. If any cash payments are made please make sure they are in a secured envelope with name, address and account number. Any returned checks will be charged a $35 service fee.
Water Rates:
Gallons | Inside City Limits | Outside City Limits |
First 2,000 | $20.08 Minimum Charge | $23.15 Minimum Charge |
Next 3,000 | $ 6.95 per 1,000 gallons | $ 8.16 per 1,000 gallons |
Next 5,000 | $ 6.56 per 1,000 gallons | $ 7.25 per 1,000 gallons |
Over 10,000 | $ 5.65 per 1,000 gallons | $ 5.95 per 1,000 gallons |
The forgoing monthly water rate, exclusive of the minimum rate for the first 2,000 gallons or less of water per month, shall be based on actual usage.
Sewer Rates:
The minimum sewer bill shall be $24.64 per month, based upon the water usage of 2,000 gallons or less per month
Gallons |
Inside City Limits |
First 2,000 |
$24.64 Minimum Charge |
All Over 2,000 |
$3.25 per 1,000 gallons |
The City allows installation of sewer deduct meters for measuring water used for outside watering.
Sewer Surcharge: The monthly fee shall be $10.30 per sewer connection.
New Builders
Below are our residential and commercial rates for new water and sewer installations inside the City limits.
Residential Rates | Commercial Rates | ||
Water Meter Installation | $ 900 | Water Meter Installation | $ 900 |
Water Tap | $ 300 | Water Tap | $ 500 |
Service Deposit | $ 150 | Service Deposit | $ 150 |
Total Water | $ 1,350 | Total Water | $ 1,550 |
Sewer Tap | $ 1,000 | Sewer Tap | $ 1,500 |
Total per Residence | $ 2,350 | Total per Commercial Bldg. | $ 3,050 |
Water Meter Installation Charges are based on ¾ service.
Prices for 1″ to 2″ are as follows
Service Deposit $150.00
Water Tap $500.00
Sewer Tap $1,500.00
TOTAL $2,150.00
1-inch service or larger must be installed by your licensed plumber and inspected by our water department. Please call Walton City Hall 24 hours ahead of time for any sewer tap inspections and 2 weeks prior to any water tap inspections and meter installations.
Hydrant flushing takes place every year starting in April through the end of September.
Pay Bill Online
Report a Street Light Outage
Report a Pot Hole
New Resident Application
Water/Sewer Deposit Refund Form
Auto Draft Form